Heavenly Village Resort & Spider Tower

Total Views : 351
Listing Name : Heavenly Village Resort & Spider Tower
Description : Heavenly Village Resort is located in Chandragiri-2, Thankot Masine about 2 kilometers ahead of a famous tower known as Spider Tower on the approaching Mar Bhanjang. This is the ideal location for a weekend and adventure ride escape where you can enjoy stunning scenery, organic foods, and the Himalayas away from the hustle and bustle of the city. In. From our resort, you will be able to see the entire Dhading Besi. You can also trek to the resort with your pals if you enjoy hiking. Come visit us for one of the most amazing experiences you'll ever have with your friends, family, or partner. If you wish to enjoy some alone time, the quiet and freshness we have will provide you with the ideal experience.
Address : Masiney Chandagiri 2
City : Kathmandu
Phone : 9851023035
Mobile : 9851142033
Email : heavenlyvillage22@gmail.com
Website : www.facebook.com/heanvly